Use of Lempuyang Extract (Zingiber zerumbet) to Prevent Aerococcus viridans Bacterial Infection in Freshwater Lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus)

Ningsi Juni Kristiani Harefa, Esti Handayani Hardi, Sarwono Sarwono


Lempuyang extract is an extract of the rhizome plant which has benefits as antibacterials and Imonostimulan in fish. The study aims to assess the efficacy of the clay extract in freshwater lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus) to prevent the Infection of aerobic bacteria in freshwater crayfish (C. Quadricarinatus), reviewing the best concentration Of Lempuyang extract (zingiber zerumbet) to prevent bacterial infections in freshwater lobsters (c. Quadricarinatus). The Lobster used is 7-8 cm in size from Makroman village, the centration used 0 ppm, 500 ppm, 600 ppm and 700 ppm. Application of the extract of the roll in the lobster through immersion for 30 minutes, challenge test performed at 24 hours after immersion with the extract through injection section of Intraperitoneal as much as 0.1 ml/tail. The lobster was subsequently maintained for 120 hours. The observed parameters include the outer anatomy pathology, the average mortality, mortality and immunity in the lobster hemocytes. The results showed that the lobster being infected with a. Viridans was subjected to death by showing a gripis tail and the onset of red spots, loose and sunken eyes, loose circumcision, loose and pale claws, while the awarding of the 500 ppm extract showed lobster did not experience it.


Lempuyang, Cherax quadricarinatus, Aerococcus viridans

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