Effect of Sea Worm Enrichment (Nereis sp.) with DHA Selco on The Growth and Survival Rate of Cobia Fish (R.canadum)

Erlin Hana Andung, Pinandoyo Pinandoyo, Suryadi Saputra, Vivi Endar Herawati


Sea worms (Nereis sp.) is one of the natural feed that can increase the production of shrimp and fish eggs. DHA selco is a commercial product commonly used as an enrichment ingredient in natural feed to increase nutrient content. The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of sea worms (Nereis sp) enriched with DHA selco on the growth and survival of cobia fish and to find out the best dose of DHA Selco used for enriching Nereis sp. The study uses a complete randomized design with 4 treatment and 3 repeats. Addition of DHA selco in different dosi : A (without DHA selco), B (0.6 g./l DHA selco), C (0.9 g/l DHA selco), D (1.2 g/l DHA selco). The maintenance period of 21 days with a solid spread of 50 heads/hapa. Frequency of feeding 3 times a day, by method at satiation. The results showed that the addition of DHA selco had a real effect (P>0.05), Feed utilization efficiency, Relative Growth Rate, absolute length growth, biomass weight, Protein Efisiensi ratio and SR. Feed utilization efficiency , Relative Growth Rate value, absolute length growth, biomass weight, Protein Efisiensi ratio and Survival rate were highest in D treatment (1.2 g/l  DHA selco) with consecutive values of 47.67±1.15 g/ day, 82.27±5.30 %, 16.47±1.22%, 4.07±0.15 %, 1.28±0.10 g, 2.43±0.09 %, 49.33±4.16%. Water quality during the study ranged still in optimal conditions for the growth of cobia fish, the temperature of 28.4-28.6 °C; pH 7.57; salinity 32-33 ppt; DO 5.12-5.33 mg/l. 


Enricment; Sea worm, DHA selco, Nereis sp.

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